Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rasulullah s.a.w.w. lineage memorization

For our boys book club we started Seer ah of Rasulullah  s.a.w.w. and finally  memorized it

First letter from the names of all fore father


FIHR( Quraysh )
Abd Munaf
Muhammad S.a.w.w.

Alhumdulillah,  it worked!

InshAllah,  give it a go!

Easy homemade hummus ready in minutes

10 lb garbanzo  beans

Soak and pressure  cook until tender (roughly 40 min)
Bag them into smaller portions and freeze

When you need the hummus just take a bag and blend with rest of the ingredients and Voila!

Happy Homeschooling!!!

1 bag of garbanzo beans
2.5 tablespoon tahini
1/4 Cup Olive oil
1 lemon's juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic
process them until smooth
you can modify to your liking whethere you want it smoother, 
chuncky, saltier, or even add spice

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Man of Two Gardens | Part of Sura Al-Kahf Explanation | Nouman Ali Khan

Homemade Pizza sauce in minutes

Assalamu Alaykom (peace be on you) everyone,

Today, Alhumdulillah,  I made a quick pizza sauce from scratch.

Here's the recipe

  • 3 hothouse tomatoes
  • 1/2  bell pepper preferably red (but orange will do)
  • 3 finger hot peppers
  • Spices to taste
  • Blend and pour it in a non-stick pan and cook for 15 minutes on low heat covered or until thick consistensy and water has dried.

And Voila!
InshAllah Enjoy!!

Surah al kahf - story of the two gardens

Pastel and Smudging Technique 
Grapevine with Lighting bolt (tissue Paper Art)

MashAllah beautiful Smudging Technique

 This was our Nasheed today.

Friday, February 19, 2016

We Tried Memorizing the First 10 Ayahs of Surah Al Kahf, we got to 6th Alhumdulillah. This Video really helped

On Jumahs, we also try memorizing a dua,

 sing a nasheed,

Dawud Wharsnby "Sunshine, Dust, and The Messenger" and Water Colour The Morning Scenery

Art & Craft  - The Cave from 

Surah Al Kahf  ( We also watched this video) 

This Video Showed us how the Cave is from the inside.

Listened to Our Favorite (Alhumdulillah) Nauman Ali Khan - Surah Al Kahf 
and finally Copywork below.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Engineering structures

Exploring sturdy frame structures and foundation
book on Lamuel the bridge

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Lab- How different drinks effect our teeth

Learning about dental hygiene is crucial part of The Human Body.

Hygiene has always been a key part of our daily routine.

Here we demonstrated coffee, coke, chai, juice, and water.  We left it for several hours.

Later on, we took our regular toothpaste and brushed it.

They noticed how much effort it took to remove the stains and for coffee and tea, it was much harder.

brushing with toothpaste 

Five Drinks after Five hours.


What juice does to the egg shell?

Brushing with toothpaste.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Today we had a workshop with Dental Hygienist.

Yesterday, we learned the functions of our teeth and the benefits. How to care for them
How to make healthy food choices, the advantages.
We spoke about miswak and the Hadith

We pretended to be dentist and did a proper Teeth brushing routine
how to floss out between the tight spaces.
how to drill a cavity and fill it or cap it.

Names of Teeth

toothbrush painting a tooth

Taste Buds

Various Books we read


more coming soon

Our Blood- A hands on

We are learning about Human Body.

We brought tons of  kid-friendly books from the local library.
Went to The Science Centre. 

We learned the importance of blood, heart, and functions.

We made this blood sample.

3 cups red kidney beans (Red Blood Cells)
1/4 cup yellow lentils (Platelets)
2 cups vegetable oil (plasma)
1 cup butter beans or marshmallows (White Blood Cells)


Voila! kids loved it and played with it.

Matched the words with the Functions

Worksheet for Gr. 3

Lable the Heart 

Fill in Blanks

More Talking